cloth diaper donations

Thank you for donating your cloth and disposable diapers! Green Diaper Babies partners with Gifts from Liam to collect and distribute diaper bundles to families experiencing a diaper shortage.

Green Diaper Babies will pick up your diaper donations for free in this general service area.

Please complete the form below and you will be contacted by Green Diaper Babies to coordinate your pick up. We pick-up Sunday-Wednesday, day dependent on where you live. You are also welcome to drop off donations to our warehouse location at 2021 W Fulton. Please contact us before dropping off.

Disposable Diapers: We will collect disposables of any size, loose diapers or in packs. For donation, please label bag with:

  • Size of Diapers
  • Number of Diapers included in Bag

Cloth Diapers: We will collect any size of clean, non-damaged cloth diaper and cloth diapering accessories (wet bags, liners, covers, cloth wipes etc.)

All donations should be clean, placed in a plastic bag and labeled “diaper donation” when set out for pick up. Thank you!