Potty training is a significant milestone in your child’s development, and cloth diapering can play a key role in making the transition smoother. Cloth diapers not only provide an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution during your baby’s early years but also offer unique advantages as you approach the toilet training phase. If ditching diapers early is not a good reason to try cloth diapering, I don’t know what is! In this blog, we’ll explore how cloth diapering can aid in potty training, tips for a successful transition, and why cloth diapers might be the best choice for your parenting journey.toddler sitting on training toilet

The Benefits of Cloth Diapers in Potty Training

  1. Increased Awareness of Wetness: One of the primary benefits of cloth diapers during potty training is that they help children become more aware of wetness. Unlike disposable diapers, which are designed to wick moisture away, cloth diapers allow children to feel when they are wet. This sensation encourages them to recognize the need to use the potty, speeding up the training process. A child in disposable diapers is less motivated to stop playing to go to the bathroom because their diaper takes away any sensations of wetness. On the other hand, a child in cloth diapers has begun associating the feeling of release from their body to the wetness of their diaper, and tend to show more motivation in using the toilet so they can stay dry.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Children in cloth diapers are shown to potty train anywhere from 6-18 months earlier than those in disposables! Imagine how much money and energy you’ll save by getting out of diapers even 6 months sooner than planned. In our diaper service, we see some families potty training their children as early as one and half years old. That’s a win for everyone!
  3. Environmental Benefits Continuing to use cloth diapers and cloth training pants during the toilet training phase means you are still contributing to a reduction in landfill waste. Additionally, the sooner your child is out of diapers, the sooner that waste is going into the toilet and not a diaper! This eco-friendly choice aligns with sustainable living practices and teaches your child the importance of making environmentally conscious decisions from an early age.

Why Cloth Diapers are Ideal for Potty Training

  1. Comfort and Fit Cloth diapers are designed for comfort and fit, which is crucial as they learn to use the potty. They are soft, breathable, and less likely to cause rashes or irritation. This ensures your child remains comfortable while learning to use the potty.
  2. Customizable Absorbency You can easily customize the absorbency of cloth diapers and training pants to suit your child’s needs. Adding extra inserts or liners for nighttime or long trips can prevent leaks and keep your child dry.
  3. Easy Transition to Underwear Cloth training pants are designed to feel more like underwear, helping your child make an easy transition. This familiarity can boost their confidence and make potty training a more natural progression.

mother and toddler looking at training toiletCloth diapering provides numerous benefits that extend into the toilet training phase. Increased awareness of wetness, cost-effectiveness, and environmental sustainability are just a few reasons to continue using cloth diapers as your child transitions to using the potty. Wondering where to get started with potty training? Check out our online Potty Training 101 Course to find the potty training methods that are the best fit for you and your child. This course is free to current Green Diaper Babies customers, contact us for the free coupon code! By following the tips outlined in this guide and embracing the advantages of cloth diapers, you can make potty training a smoother, more enjoyable experience. Happy potty training!