315,688 DIAPERS SAVED IN 2021

2,462,858 DIAPERS SAVED SINCE 2013

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We really do keep track of how many diapers we wash each week, month, year and more! Why you may ask? Because that is what we are here for! Saving diapers from landfills. We washed about 6,000 diapers and 2,000 wipes a week in 2021.

Thank you to everyone who partnered with us in 2021 to take care of the earth and your baby’s bum. We’ve not only survived but thrived through a second year of global pandemic, economic and political instability, and all the other things 2021 brought. Let’s look back at our major achievements from 2021 and look forward to what’s next in 2022:




Washing and providing cloth diapers to our customers is our #1 job. But did you know we do more than just wash diapers? We wash rags, towels, and other items for businesses that want a more environmentally friendly option to paper products. Similarly, we will continue offering towel service to our diaper customers who want to swap paper towels for our kitchen towels. As with our pail deodorant refills, we hope to innovate moreĀ  products and services that work towards our goal of sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic products. Our hope in 2022 is to innovate our existing systems so our team can work more efficiently and our customers can be even more satisfied with their services!


It’s no secret that we partner with amazing families! For example, we received much support in December 2021 as we closed the office and warehouse for the FIRST time ever in order to give our team much needed rest. Every family in our service makes a difference by choosing to keep diapers from ending up in the trash. We love providing care to the children of the Chicago area. We will work hard to continue provide excellent customer support and services, and commit to always learn from our mistakes! Each time you receive an email or phone call from us we will strive to communicate with both empathy and transparency.


With the addition of two new full-time employees towards the end of 2021, our team is stronger than ever! Which means we can meet new goals and deliver on the things we discussed above. Each member of our team fulfills an essential role in our company, from the nitty gritty details of diaper counts to the typing of blogs. The workplace at Green Diaper Babies is one of mutual respect and valuing the whole person. We hope to continue growing our team and taking care of each person!


Serving over 1,000 family and saving 2,000,000 diapers from the landfills has kept us busy! Again, thank you to everyone who supported us in 2021. We can’t wait to see what 2022 holds!