You can begin cloth diapering as soon as baby gets home, even while they still have their umbilical cord! Other parents decide to ease into things and use disposables until the umbilical cord has fallen off. Green Diaper Babies can deliver Nest disposable diapers in your first drop-off if you anticipate waiting to start cloth for a few weeks. It is completely your choice and there is no right or wrong way to do it!
If you want to start cloth diapering right away, here are some things to consider:
You do not want the diaper to cover the cord area as air helps the wound heal and dry, allowing it to fall off. It is important to keep the belly button dry and free from urine and fecal matter. Likewise, you do not want the cover rubbing against the wound to cause irritation.
One way you may need to adjust the diaper so that it sits lower is by changing the length of the diaper. Adjust the rise (snaps in the lower middle of the diaper) to be shorter as well.
Pre-Fold: If you have extra fabric, fold that down in the back of the diaper as opposed to the front. Less bulk and better fit.
All-in-One: Unsnap the front portion of the insert to push the insert below the belly for a looser and better fit.
Pre-Fold Only: Start using the snappi AFTER the cord falls off. No extra tension needed until a couple weeks old.
And those are our quick tips to cloth diapering with the umbilical cord! Check out this video to get a better visual on our recommendations.
Whether you cloth diaper or use disposables, remember to keep the stump dry, stick to sponge baths, and resist pulling the cord off. It will fall off on its own within a few weeks!