An environmentally friendly alternative to disposable diapers
Cloth diapers are comfortable. The clean, natural feel of our 100% cotton is something we promise your baby will enjoy.
Cloth diapers contain no dangerous chemicals, reducing the chance of diaper rash. Many parents have switched to cloth diapers once realizing that the chemicals in disposables irritate your baby’s skin. At Green Diaper Babies, not only do we use ethically manufactured cloth diapers, we also test the diapers after cleaning to ensure that the pH matches that of your baby’s skin.
Cloth diapers are helpful for potty training. Since cloth diapers rely on natural absorbancy instead of chemicals, your baby learns much more quickly what it means to be wet. Research shows that children in cloth diapers can potty train from 6 months to one year sooner than those in disposable diapers.
Green Diaper Babies is on a mission to make cloth diapering easy for parents who know it’s the best choice for their child and the environment.
Our weekly delivery series allows you to focus on time with your baby rather than worrying about the dirty diapers and how to clean them. We’ll drop off fresh ones and take care of the laundering.
Green Diaper Babies is committed to providing quality service at a great price.
According to EWG, your baby will go through 2,500 diapers a year. With our service, all of your diapers are covered in your weekly cost. Also, remember what we said about potty training more quickly? That translates to needing fewer diapers overall!
Green Diaper Babies also gives you back your time by handling washing and folding so you don’t have to. Time becomes a precious commodity when you become a new parent, so spend it wisely!
We cannot wait to serve your family on your cloth diapering journey!
We offer regular Q&A sessions to learn more. We are also happy to answer any questions you have over email or phone.